Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Well, life is busy and we seem to be doing well as a family. I am deeply saddened by the latest gossip that seems to be spreading around Rexburg. Fortunately, in relation to my father, none of it is true and we can take deep comfort in that. Alan is busy with work and LOVES it! He is always involved in some aspect of management and lately has been assisting with the Six Sigma training.

Aubrey had another appointment at Primary Childrens and she found out that she won't have to wear her night braces anymore if she promises to do her stretches. Of course, the doctor did tell us that the best stretch for her legs is to teach her how to ski. I don't know who was more excited about that...Aubrey and I both started squealing with excitement! Who knew, doctors orders to ski! Every child's dream! We are heading back on the 30th for her Botox injections which will make her stretches far less painful.

As for the boys, they started preschool and get so excited to show me what they made every day. Cameron gave his first talk in church (adorable) and wears his CTR ring non-stop. If you ask him what it says, he'll tell you it's his "pick the right ring". Christian is still obsessed with anything superheroes and has energy like I have never seen! The kid is accident prone because he never stops. He decided to take his scooter outside (against my will) and ride it down the sidewalk. Of course, being January the ice is still ever present and our little man took quite the fall. He thought the huge scrape on his arm and elbow was pretty cool until he saw the blood...then he cried. Now we are back to the huge scrape being pretty cool. Boys!

Other than that, we are grateful for the continuous prayers of all our friends and family.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Memories of my Father...

The year ended with heartbreaking sadness, and amid the overwhelming flood of emotions that accompanies the loss of a father as wonderful as mine, I find myself looking back and becoming increasingly grateful for the amazing memories I made with my father. He taught me so much, and became a father and dear friend to Alan. I want to say thank you for everyone who expressed their heartfelt sympathies. I cannot say just how much your support meant to my family. I am grateful for the gospel, for I have felt the sweet hand of the Lord carrying me in many capacities right now. I have had many moments too precious to mention, and know that the Lord is aware of our needs and comforts his children with peace and love during our most trying of times. As the new year begins I struggle to think of any resolutions, as they seem so irrelevant right now. However, I cannot stop thinking about ways that I can improve who I am, and become a better person, mother, Latter Day Saint, and friend because of the influence of my father. There are no words to explain just how much we will miss him. But we will always share and cherish the memories we made. Thanks Dad, you were more amazing than you will ever know. We ask that if any friends or loved ones have memories to share, please post them at